We just moved back to Vancouver, WA from Albuquerque, NM back in Oct 2001. The wife is still getting adjusted but now that the weather is turning to springtime, she'll really enjoy it. otherwise she's doing pretty good. (that's what she tells me anyways) Things just arn't very fun right now. The money isn't there and things didn't work out very well as planned. The economy really took a hard hit up here and work is super tough to find. For her it's not too bad but mechanics are a dime a dozen. Neither of us are working at the moment. We're both looking for work (i'm on unemployment) and whoever gets a job first,wins, and the looser gets to entertain our son. No really, he's not so bad, just crabby every so often. Little David is doing pretty good, growing like a weed. Almost 5 months now. He's up on all fours but just can't seem to get the forward motion. He got his first hair cut last week. Grandma cut it for him. I'll work on getting some pics up for you all to see. I'm doing this and my car web pages too so i have a handful of little projects to do. Not including all the other stuff I'm doing durrng the day to help out or make a buck or two. I miss Albuquerque a little bit. Left behind alot of good friends. (that and a steady job) But I guess if you want to move up you need to take chances (and do it while you're still young!) |