Welcome to Rob's Dirt Bike Home Page 
A home page dedicated
to Dirt Bikes.
fellow dirt riders and welcome to my place in cyberspace. I live in Oakville
(just outside Toronto) Ontario, Canada, and have been riding for about
10 years. I currently ride and race a '99 Suzuki RM 250. I used to ride an DR 350, XR 250,
YZ 80 and DR 100. I enjoy all aspects of dirt biking from free riding to trail riding to MX.
Thanks for stopping in! If you wanna get in touch with me, you can ICQ me at 50667880 or email me!
Want to talk Dirt Bikes
with the rest of the World?
Having trouble jetting your
ride? This should help:
Let's assume your bike is jetted correctly, but
you want to ride to the top of some mountain somewhere. Let's say 6500'
up and the temperature is 32°. See that sloping line that indicates
6500'. Find the vertical line that reads 32°. Draw a horizontal line
from the temperature/atitude intersection to the vertical axis. You should
land at 0.98. That means multiply your current jet sizes by 0.98. So if
you started off with a 200 main, a good starting point for your mountain
ride would be a 196 main.
Taken from Dirt Bike June '94.
Click here for an Interesting
Synopsis on the History of Dirt Bikes
Dirt Bike Pics!
Check out Rob's "Motorized
Madness" Links Page
Tired of riding the same lame riding areas? "Click here" For places to ride!
Links to other
neat bike related sites on the Web
You are bermbuster number
...come back soon!
© 1996 E-mail Rob