Also, take a look at This is the original
SHOTimes FAQ combined with 'Home of the Taurus SHO' site.
Tons of info, all SHO related. This should be your first stop
when you're having problems with your car.
More info, stats, tech stuff and links for all of you SHOguru's coming soon! Had a hard
drive crash that sort of made all of my hard work disappear.
Hope to put up some pix of my shiny red 93 5 speed, which by the way, has been virtually problem free for the
5 years that I have owned it. The virtually problem free part comes in after the new front rotors and
pads that I changed when I bought it and the outer tie rod ends soon after that. Those parts aside, the only
failures include the moonroof switch which detached itself from its mounting (epoxied it) and currently a
problem with the idle speed when the AC engages. The computer does not allow for the extra load of the
compressor on idle speed and the rpm's drop to around 500. I cleaned the idle speed control valve but it may
need to be replaced.
UPDATE: I noticed in the service manual that before disassembling
the isc-bpa valve, you should try a 5 second spray of
WD-40 or carb cleaner in the vacuum intake port. Well, I
tried it and it worked! Guess the piston gets stuck and
a little penetrating type oil frees it up. Things are
lookin' up!
Also, the first really hot day this summer, the
moonroof switch broke loose again and needed more epoxy.
Uh oh! Nasty noise when clutch pedal is depressed!
Looks like the throwout bearing is frozen.
Car is currently in the garage awaiting new clutch, TO
bearing and related parts and also time to do this job
Current wheels:1999 Honda Valkyrie/1999 Ford Explorer
By the way, the name, 'SHOGuru', is only a ficticious geocities username. I am not a guru when it comes to
SHO's nor do I claim to be. I do most of my own automotive work but really have had little to do on my own SHO and I like it that way!
Please send ideas, suggestions, corrections, etc. to: Thanks!
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