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For those of you who've never seen one, or landed here looking for something Japanese, the SHO I'm talking about is the Ford Taurus SHO automobile and there is something Japanese about it!
They look just like a regular Taurus from a distance, more or less. If you don't know that it's a very special high performance Taurus model, than it'll look like a Taurus with fancy wheels and ground effects. If you drive a Mustang or GTP or something similar, than you most likely know exactly what the rear of the car looks like, because it's the part that you see the most !!
They are very stealthy cars and without the 16 inch 'cheese slicer' wheels , they go through life basically unnoticed by the motoring public and most Police departments !
The early model years (1989-1990) came stock with the 15 inch wheels from the LX model, which made them more unoticable than the 91 and up versions.
91 models came with the 16 inch aluminum wheels but unlike the later years, they were non-directional, meaning they could be mounted on either side.
Looking at an SHO from the front, the difference is the bumper cover and the foglamps. From the side, you notice the cladding (or faux ground effects) with the letters S H O stamped into same on the front doors. There is also an emblem just behind the front wheel opening that says, '24V' and 'DOHC' (This was added in 92). From the rear, you notice a different bumper cover with a larger SHO logo. In addition, the 'TAURUS' emblem is the same color as the body and you'll also see stainless dual exhaust tips and a small spoiler/wing on the decklid. This spoiler is the same as what you'll find on the SE model Taurus. It has the third brake light in the spoiler. Also, my 93 sits lower than the wife's 95 GL.
The above describes most of the models made from 1992 to 1995, as there were differences even in the same model year. The earlier years had a slightly different look and of course the redesign in '96 is totally new. Take a look at the pictures below and you'll see what I mean.

89-91 SHO
92-95 REAR View
92-95 SHO
96 SHO

As you can see, there was little change from 1989 which, by the way, was the first year for the SHO, to model year 1995. The early years were lighter and supposedly faster than their 92 to 95 brothers. With the 96-97 model, Ford breaks away from the hotrod image into a performance sedan for 'gentlemen'.
This new design in 1996 has not been well received by the SHO community. The biggest gripe has been the lack of a manual five/six speed transmission although the automatic SHO introduced in 1993 was outselling the stick version through 1995, so I guess Ford decided to go with the flow. That and the fact that the transmission/clutch setup used for the SHO was not up to handling the output of the SHO engine and I guess putting money into a limited edition automobile was not high on Ford's priority list.
My personal dislike is the rear of the car. Ford, Please, you've gotta' have a better idea than that! It hurts my eyes to look at it, (just kidding!) but the spoiler, if that's what it is, and that oval rear window ; What were the designers smoking that day! Well, maybe it'll grow on me. Actually, having never seen the new model in person, maybe it's just the pictures that are ruining the image. Maybe, if I won one or someone gave me one, I would appreciate it more ??

Below is a picture of what the SHO is all about: The original 220 HP, 24 valve, double overhead cam V6 engine, designed and built by Yamaha, powered all 89-95 models. This engine, unlike most of the DOHC, 24 valve engines found in other makes, is a 'racing engine' that was made streetable. The others, are everyday street engines that were 'hopped-up' for the auto makers sporty performance cars.
I've read that this engine made 300 horses when delivered to Ford but guess what? Ford decided it was too much power for the drivetrain and the warranty problems would be numerous so they detuned it to 220. How did they do this, you ask? Amongst other modifications, Ford reground the original camshafts, probably programmed the computer for 'milder' and smoother all-around operation and if you look under the car, you'll see what they did to the exhaust system; they practically blocked it off! I've also read that Ford did not want a four door family sedan that could beat the Mustang, their premier GT sports car! (How many of us would die for 300 HP and the hell with the drivetrain and the damn Mustang) The engine was 3 liters for manual transmission models and 3.2 for automatics, which came into existence in 93. This automatic SHO became more popular than the 5 speed manual and that is why the manual tranny was discontinued in 1996.
The 96 and 97 SHO's have a V8 engine. This is a 32 valve, double overhead cam engine that displaces 3.4 liters. I've read that Yamaha is also involved in this one, supplying the heads and assembling the engine. Probably a lot of untapped power in this engine but like the V6, if Ford doesn't sell enough of them, there will be no money in it for the aftermarket industry to make engine mods and performance parts will be scarce and EXPENSIVE!
Why did Ford go to a V8? Your guess is as good as mine and my guess is it was the cheaper way to go (Ford tends to do this once in a while!!).
Anyhow, behold The Engine that powered the SHO's from 89 to 95!

SHO Engine

This site will forever be under construction !!

More to come!

Hot News!!

Found a Ford dealer selling Motorcraft AGSP32PP spark plugs for $4.80!! That's better than a 50% discount! It's Sarat Ford in Agawam, MA. Call 800-914-3802 and ask for Bob Loomis. Yeah, I know, big deal. You can buy Autolites for a dollar less, but for the guys who insist on Motorcraft ............!
Other dealers I've found who will give you a discount are:
Thomas Ford in Stillwater OK
Pulliam Ford in Columbia SC
Jackson Ford in Jackson or Martell CA
Victory Ford in Stoughton MA
I'm sure that there are others, such as Gene Evans Ford in Atlanta, Bredeman Ford in Chicago and Al Serra Ford in Lansing MI. While these last 3 are recognized SHO specialists, I have never seen a printed '10 or 20% off parts' in any of their ads.
Look for the OEM parts page.....Coming Soon!

By the way, if you're an SHO owner, you should check out the SHOtimes mailing list.
Lots of info, chat, opinions and many knowledgeable SHO people hang out there.
Send e-mail to, subject SHOtimes and in the body put Subscribe Shotimes-L last name first name. It is well worth your time!
Also, take a look at This is the original SHOTimes FAQ combined with 'Home of the Taurus SHO' site. Tons of info, all SHO related. This should be your first stop when you're having problems with your car.
More info, stats, tech stuff and links for all of you SHOguru's coming soon! Had a hard drive crash that sort of made all of my hard work disappear.
Hope to put up some pix of my shiny red 93 5 speed, which by the way, has been virtually problem free for the 5 years that I have owned it. The virtually problem free part comes in after the new front rotors and pads that I changed when I bought it and the outer tie rod ends soon after that. Those parts aside, the only failures include the moonroof switch which detached itself from its mounting (epoxied it) and currently a problem with the idle speed when the AC engages. The computer does not allow for the extra load of the compressor on idle speed and the rpm's drop to around 500. I cleaned the idle speed control valve but it may need to be replaced.
UPDATE: I noticed in the service manual that before disassembling the isc-bpa valve, you should try a 5 second spray of WD-40 or carb cleaner in the vacuum intake port. Well, I tried it and it worked! Guess the piston gets stuck and a little penetrating type oil frees it up. Things are lookin' up! Also, the first really hot day this summer, the moonroof switch broke loose again and needed more epoxy. Uh oh! Nasty noise when clutch pedal is depressed! Looks like the throwout bearing is frozen. Car is currently in the garage awaiting new clutch, TO bearing and related parts and also time to do this job myself. Current wheels:1999 Honda Valkyrie/1999 Ford Explorer DISCLAIMER By the way, the name, 'SHOGuru', is only a ficticious geocities username. I am not a guru when it comes to SHO's nor do I claim to be. I do most of my own automotive work but really have had little to do on my own SHO and I like it that way!

Please send ideas, suggestions, corrections, etc. to: Thanks!

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