This is my corner of the INTERNET, and in it you will find things that interest me, anything from drag racing, air shows, international supra meets, and ofcourse, pictures of my car, a 1987 Toyota Supra Targa !!!!
My SUPRA now has 292,000 Kms on her, and the now 2 summer old Firestone Firehawk SZ50's are still performing wonderfully. Last winter i left the firehawks on for the first few snows, and my worst fears came true. these were in fact the worst tires anyone could imagine putting on a supra while driving in the snow. i changed them out real quick. i don't have a recent pic of my car, nor have i removed the firehawks to measure the tread depth, but they are still providing excellent dry and wet traction, and excellent gas mileage.
My SUPRA now has 255,000 Kms on her, and the new Firestone Firehawk SZ50's are performing wonderfully. 18,000 Kms and only 2/32 tread wear gone. I still have another 9/32 left, which could mean another 72,000 kms, or a total of 90,000 kms. Pretty good for a "Z" rated summer sport radial with a 220 wear rating. these tires handle amazingly in the wet or dry. I will leave them on to test them in the snow, but will eventually switch to my old 16"s with better snow rubber.
This is my car as I left for the mid-west meet in Ohio on the weekend of April 25th. It is a 1987 Supra Turbo. I have over 237,000 kms on her, and i hope to drive her for many years to come. Click here, or the picture togo to the meet pics.
Link to the surplus 2000 Toronto meet T-Shirts offer.
Don't let this happen to your supra !!!
Link to my SUPRA VIDEO FOR SALE offer
Links to other SUPRA pages
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See What Chat tools I use
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Go See 24 GREAT Pics of my SUPRA.
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Check out the pics and ordering info for SOGI FloorMats I am offering.
87Supra visits Y95 for free breakfast.
Check out what parts have been bid on and closed.
I have H3 55w Ice BLue Bulbs for sale, 20CDN/pair, 15US/pair.
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This page last modified on November 20th,2000