June 18, 2003




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'71-'73 Mach1 Registry

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John Braun's 72 & 2003 Mach1

John Braun1.jpg (398298 bytes)
Click on photo to get a closer look!

Meet  John Braun, newest member to join up!

The older one is a 72 Mustang Mach1 and have owned it from day 1, it has 57,600 miles, the interior is what makes the car special only 173 were built. The build date was Nov, 1971, transmission  C-6 with a 2900 stall speed Factory, 3.50 Traction Loc, AF Ginger Ruffino/ Corinthian Vinyl Bucket Seats. Paint Code 2,165 were built  with that interior trim code 173 were built. Serial No. 2F05Q139653. Valued about $18 K. The New Mach1 waited to long for, but got it May 30th up-graded interior and that it Love Both of Them. New one cost a lot more but the old one cost $4, 059. Oh by the way, the paint is the way it came to me nothing has been done to it.

Great looking carz.


"Project 460"

Has Moved to here Project 
Updated 3/23/03


Be on the Look out for this car!

1975GrandMarquisBrgm.jpg (48669 bytes) 
1976 Mercury Grand Marquis

Has 460 Engine, C-6 Transmission, Exhaust Manifolds that bolt up to the 71-73 Mustang!  Find one in your local junk yard soon!


New Drag Racing Book by
 Cindy Crawford

Drag Racing Basics, Christmas Tree to Finish Line has something for all drag racing enthusiasts. Author Cindy Crawford (no, not that Cindy Crawford) covers everything an individual needs to know in order to understand, participate and succeed in this popular form of motorsport.

The text is primarily focused for the prospective or novice driver and is presented in an easy-going, uncomplicated style with numerous photos, many of which are in color. Advanced subject areas will prove equally valuable to journeymen drivers and seasoned pros, as well.

Topics covered include driver training, race technique, car equipment and preparation, necessary safety equipment and towing options. Sections about track layout and procedures will help acclimate newcomers, as will the discussion of major racing sanctioning bodies and their racing classes. Also contained are chapters on sponsorship, junior drag racing and women in the sport. Capping it off are a listing of active tracks in North America and Europe, racing related addresses and websites and a glossary of drag terminology.

Author, Cindy Crawford, started racing a Ford Mustang in 1999 and has been the subject of many magazine articles and television features. She is a grandmother of two and donates her winnings to the Lupus Foundation, to help research find a cure for lupus, a debilitating disease with which she struggles.

Drag Racing Basics, Christmas Tree to Finish Line, by Cindy Crawford, foreword by Angelle Savoie, 168 pages, 213 photos (87 color), 4 illustrations

-- $24.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. 
Available from TPR, Inc., 7510
Allisonville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46250 

(800) 553-5319, (317) 841-7677, fax

(317) 849-2001, website www.tpr-inc.com

Additional information: Brett Johnson -- (317) 841-7677


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