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You are Racer Updated 1/4/04

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Welcome to the Team ZR1 Corvette Racer's Webpage !

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New and General Racing and Tech

  • Team ZR-1 was started for hardcore Corvette owners, who enjoy supporting this American made sports car, in any way that would foster a better view to the public. As stated, it is a TEAM, and not a dues paying type of club. We have no intent on making profits from the team, rather will spend our own money, assuring the Corvette is seen on the track, or on public roads, in the best showing we can.
  • Team ZR-1 has no intent on competing with other Corvette type groups, but rather enhance their events, and allow the public to see this one special Corvette model, in live, real action.
  • Team ZR1 believes the car belongs on the road / track and not buried in a history book, and will help show, that the nameplate was correct in designing such a high level sports car, even with all the state and federal policies that clearly make it difficult to design such a sports car, but meet all those policies and the publics view of what a sports car should be.
  • Team ZR-1 will never ask for membership dues and anyone asking you to fork over money is a PHONY Club and not this Team ZR-1
  • Due to a void in our country, for hosted Corvette events, Team ZR1 will fill that gap and help promote this nameplate to the fullest, and rather then the car just sitting in some storage for a investment, we will attend or stage different types of Corvetting events, to show that the ZR1 design can fully compete with other nameplates, and allow the design and functionality to shine before the public, if it's a Corvette only related event, or any other Race related group such as S.C.C.A, N.A.S.A, or NHRA

Team ZR-1, LLC ® has been online since 1990 and has authorization by Chevrolet Motor Division for Trademark use of "Corvette and ZR-1". Team ZR-1 content has been Copyrighted.

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