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Welcome to my own little space in the massive void of the Cyber space. Feel free to use this page as often as you want as a starting point for your cyber-galactic voyage, or just enjoy the comfort of a little stepping stone on your way ahead.
Some background information...
Well a little about myself, I am a junior doctor working in Manchester
training to be a physician, work mainly with medical and geriatric patients, boring......
I love motor sports of all kinds, do go to British Touring Car events in
England when I can or watch them on telly, I follow Formula One Grand Prix
religiously. I love music & going out, and would probably describe myself as
a bit of a computer addict, I spend a lot of time upgrading my P133 and
obviously the internet has meant I pay almost half my earnings to British
Telecom in phone bills. I am interested in data encryption and I am
fascinated by PGP program, if you know any cool URLs, p'se let me know.
Many parts of this site may be offensive to racists, tax collectors, traffic wardens, and conservatives. If you feel you may be offended by this site, please
move on. May I suggest...Disney???
My site is, however, minor-friendly and contains no gratuitous sex or violence, sorry.
Links to other sites on the Web
Formula one sites for those of you who are interested
Royal Postgraduate Medical School
My medical school
A Search Engine
Check out my bookmarks My Photo Gallery still under construction
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I love mail so ...---( markhus@geocities.com )---
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