Lot 18, Stony Brook Manor

Last updated: October 29, 2004

What's new:  Pictures of footers

Here is a picture of our lot as we purchased it in the spring of 2004.  The lot
is "T" shaped, with 100 feet of road frontage.  The 100 foot wide section
reaches back 380 feet, where the lot opens up to a somewhat square section
that is 352 feet wide and 463 feet deep, as shown by the sketch.  Altogether,
we own 4.64 acres.

As we progress through the construction process, we will try to keep updating
the pictures, so you can follow along.

The links below will guide you.

Maps and directions to our lot

More pictures of vacant lot

House elevation sketch

September, 2004 - The "Stake-Out"

October 18, 2004 - Excavation - Driveway

October 26 , 2004 - Excavation - House

October 27, 2004 - Footers

November, 2004 - Framing

December, 2004 - Roofing and Siding

