to my Corrado VR6 Homepage

This Page is all about Corrado VR6s and other VR6 powered Volkswagens.

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Click here to see the Stock Corrado's specs.

Here is a picture of my Corrado at the 1997 Import Showoff. It was one of five VW's at the show. The rest were those ugly, boring Honda/Acura things. My car was the only Corrado out of those VW's. The class was too small for me to get an award but many of the VW enthusiasts complemented me. I guess there some real car enthusiasts there that day! The picture is dark because the hall's lighting was not so great. The rims are 17" black powdercoated BBS MODA M1's (if you can't see them. I have other pictures but I need some more scan time...

A list of my '93 Corrado VR6's Modifications.

About Me...

Drag Racing

(Virgilio's '97 Golf GTI VR6 at the Import Super Drags at Pomona)

Links to other sites on the Web

Intercept Motoring Concepts
Jojo's Audi in Architecture Page
The Corrado Club of America
The Volkswagen Home Page
The Autobahn Designs Home Page


This web page is intended for personal use. Some of the material contained in this page was taken from the web. If the use of these pictures/info. is bothering you or breaks some kind of copyright please let me know and I will remove the material promptly.

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...And to all of you who don't like VW's...

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