My browser is very anemic.                                                  My modem is <28.8
Give me the simple things in life                                           Memory is <8 Megs RAM
Lawnmower gas                                                                  Toyota gas

        60 Octane                                                                       87 Octane      

TEXT ONLY                                                               AOL & MSIE
users click here!                                                         users click here!
Chevrolet logo
Netscape                                                          I Like To Measure
users click here!                                                 Bandwidth By The Mile!
Corvette gas                                                       Top Fuel Eliminators

        98 Octane                                                                Nitro Methane       

2 bells and 2 whistles                                                All the bells and whistles
                                                                      (Still trying to figure out 2 whistles)

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