Well, here you have it, my first homepage, if you can call it
that! You'll probably notice that I've studiously avoided all the
normal "here's a picture of me... here's a picture of my
dog.." rubbish that seems to be all too common on the web
these days and opted for more of a 'Launchpad' sort of design. In
other words, the information contained herein should give you a
fairly good insight into what I'm like and the things that
interest me, so I'm not gonna spend time spelling it all out!!
I hope you'll find some of this stuff useful. There's a fair bit
of info here which might just save you hours of frustrated
searching and sleepless nights... then again, it might not be of
any use to you whatsoever...
...Ah, the diversity of life!!
Got something to say?
Go for It!!