My name is Eric and I live with my wife
Sue and daughter Kelly and two felines
Trapper and Max in N.E. Illinois.
(Lake County)
My employment is that of being an OTR
(over the road) truckdriver which leaves me very little time for my family
and my hobbies, but that is the nature of the beast and what
I choose to do.
My hobbies are this computer and my motorcycle.
The latter is a 1986 Suzuki Cavelcade 1400cc
touring machine
which was purchased new in March 1986
and has 33,000 very
pleasurable miles on it now.
This is the reason I have moved into the Motor City
This computer is a Compaq-presario 1266....333hz...96 meg of ram....6.4 gig hard drive.....56K modem
This is my fourth
computer in all
of my 56 years.
The first being a 386-25.
This is my first time trying to learn
web page setup and I would appreciate any help that comes my way.
Things should change slowly so check back
once in a while .
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