
Welcome to the JZR Pilots' Association Website.

CX500 spins into a JZR

The JZR Pilots Association was formed in 1992 - The objective then, as now, - a no rule, no committee, no fuss organisation, to cater for like-minded individuals. Present membership totals almost 200, over 50% of the 320 JZRs produced and includes members in N. Zealand, Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Holland, Sweden, and believe it or not Rwanda. Members come from many walks of life, including a Bishop. He'll bless your car, but still advises membership of the R.A.C. They tend to be of mature years, albeit young in spirit!


S O S Is there anyone coming down to Stoneleigh on Sunday from the North or Midlands who could give Edgar a lift. He lives near Nottingham and has been to most Stoneleigh shows since the JZR has been there and it would be a pity for him to miss it. If you can help ring him on 01773 810 572 Many thanks Brian & Evelyn

Looking forward to seeing you all at Stoneleigh on the 3rd and 4th of May. AGM at 2pm on Sunday. The camper is clean and the tent is packed. Our reconstructed JZR should be ready to come. Get that JZR polished up and on the road.

We were all very sorry to hear of the sudden death of our popular member, Mr Michael Moore of Ashbourne. It is hard to believe he is gone and he will be greatly missed by many people. Our thoughts are with his wife and family.

For JZR sorties for 2009 see Diary Dates.

One of our long term members, Fred Martin, has written a very comprehensive pair of manuals for a JZR and we think has filled a big gap in the information available for builders and users. The Workshop Manual sells at £10.50 and is A4, 75 pages, two sided, in black and white, with clear diagrams and instructions. It is spiral bound with a plastic coated cover in colour. The Owner's Handbook sells at £7 and is A5 and similarly printed. These prices are plus postage which is approx. £3 in UK. £5 to Europe and £9 ro the rest of the world.

We have funded them ourselves so payment needs to be made to Brian Lofty, 24 The Grove, Sholing, Southampton, SO19 9LX, Tel: 02380 322847, email: brianlofty@btinternet.com PS. Some 60 copies have now been sold, so get your order in if you want one. Our poor rate with the Euro means they are a very good buy for our European members at the moment. B & E

Stop Press - Unfortunately subs will be increased by £1 from January to £13.

Stoneleigh 2008 The weather was a little mixed, but in spite of that some 20 JZRs came over the weekend. Several new members came, some with and some without their cars and we met many of our old friends, some with JZRs and others who have reluctantly had to sell them. We had a good AGM with plenty of positive discussion. Malcolm Lindley took over the vacant post of chairman. The Minutes will be in the June/July edition of Pilots' Notes. Roger T came with an interesting adaption to the steering which allowed a JZR to be towed easily. He has a Pan with a large cooler on the top. The steering adaption interested us particularly as we had experienced thetyres 'scrubbing' round sharp corners, leaving precious rubber on the road. We were very grateful for all friends who came early and stayed late to help both in putting up the tent and dismantling it. We could not get it done without them. We had heavy rain during the night but it had mainly dried out by early afternoon. It just needed some draping over trailers at home and luckily we have had a very hot and sunny week. There is a Stoneleigh 2008 gallery. Try it at Stoneleigh2008

Evelyn & Brian

Your subscription of £13 was due on 1st January 2009. It has been necessary to increase subscriptions by £1 due to the increased cost of printing and distribution of Pilots' Notes.

This should be sent to Zipper. He is Mr Tony Simpson, Caxton House, 1 Station Road, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 6BE. His phone no is 01246 823895 and his email is simpson.2006@tiscali.co.uk.

Latest on SVA from John Ziemba I had a pan euro JZR for SVA last week and it passed first time, so now all the models will be able to comply. The chap who tested it was very interested as he had never tested one before and came up with a few suggestions to make both our lives a bit easier. I think this may be worth a mention as there seems some confusion about JZRs being able to pass the SVA test with open engines. Anyone who is preparing their JZR for SVA is welcome to contact me for a chat on 01254 760620. John The form to fill in about SVA for John is now on the Spares, Regalia page

Update your Diary Dates for your diary now contained many of this years runs, rallies and shows - Don't miss out

See the Stoneleigh 2007 gallery Stoneleigh 2007

The gallery of Trikes at Stoneleigh 2006 is still available. Try it at Stoneleigh2006

Evelyn & Brian

JZR - DAYTONA FROM JOHN ZIEMBA LATEST UPDATE At home in Rossendale, up in the cold, dark and wet windy valley, lives a yellow JZR Daytona, the first of the breed to pass the stringent 'SVA' Designer and builder John Ziemba refers to the Dayona as 'A point and squirt ' which is perfectly true but I haven't found the limits yet and don't intend to!! It really is ballistic. For a full insight into the joys of the Daytona don't miss the Spring edition of Pilot's Notes. Daytona Dave

Webmaster's Note: With the SVA for three wheelers with us, John Ziemba has created this completely new design JZR - DAYTONA which is a rear engined trike with the donor being a T595 triple injected Triumph Daytona. The engine produces 128bhp at 10200 rpm with another 12bhp available with a special exhaust. Initial trials gave blistering performance.

The link between Members of the Association is provided by our Pilots Notes, issued quarterly and contains reports and advance information on events, technical information and member's grouses and opinions. Steve Owen is Editor and can be reached on owensteven@sky.com or 01745 730075. Tony Simpson is the Membership Secretary and can be contacted on simpson.2006@tiscali.co.uk

Trike chassis are manufactured by and spares are available from John Ziemba. John can be contacted at JZR Trikes, Nancy Street Yard, Nancy Street, Darwen, Lancs BB3 3HP. Tel: 01254 760 620.
The JZRPA has been very active this year and I have included a membership form. If you are interested in JZR's and you would like to join please print it out and send it to the membership secretary, Tony Simpson. His address is on the form.

There is also a Video Page with a couple of short clips and a screen saver and and also a gallery of JZR photos. All the videos are zipped mpeg files and the photos are thumbnailed jpegs.

Reports by members on rallies/meetings
Reports continued
Information on different JZRs and trikes in general
Dates for your diary
JZRs etc. for sale
Spares List, Regalia etc. John's SVA form
Email us

Photo Gallery

Video Page

Membership Form


Jim Fowler, USA- a record of his build project Jim Fowler's Web site

JZRPA Group - You can add pictures or ideas

3Wheeler Replica Site

A german three wheeler site

JZRs in Japan by Takaaki

Try this new kitcar site
Rob Davis offers excellent help to CX500 owners with problems Information page for JZR in Germany

Jim's Page For Three Wheel Car Links

GoMoG Morgan Sports Car Owners Group (Ottowa-based Morgan Owners' Group)
A large 3-wheeler site

KTUD Speciality Car Archive (extensive and excellent site)

Brand new Kitcar Freeads website for kit car fans

Personal numberplates club

GeoCities MotorCity

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