Here is a picture of my little adventure
(Soon to be Big Sister Anya in the spring of 2007)

Anya Ronan Avendano
Adventure in MOTHERHOOD!!!
Another new adventure my hubby is taking on is
restoring my 1984 Jeep CJ7. Since I was down for
my pregnancy he took control of it and restoring it by
leaps and bounds. We just installed a Fuel Injection Kit so no more
rebuilding that darn Carb!
That's about it! Please enjoy the following linksUS Military Aircraft
if you want to find some great pictures and info on any military aircraft.
If I had to name an adventurous love (after my honey Glen that is) that would be my JEEP C-J7.
If you have ever driven with me or even know about me, you will understand when I say my jeep is an adventure!
I always wanted one because it can take me where
I want to go!
I love hiking (I am fortunate enough to have bagged Mt. Whitney), rock climbing and would love
to race cars someday. My dream job is, however, to be a helicopter pilot and
fly tours over the Hawaiian Islands. If you have any comments or questions for/about me just write me.
Just Some Pictures of My Friends and Me on Various Camping Trips and My Road Trips During the Last Couple of Summers.

Holly's Adventure Photo Gallery #1
Holly's Photo Gallery #2
Holly's Photo Gallery #3

This is me on my (parents) Jeep Cherokee on top of the Rockies!
I recommend visiting the following links to enhance your view on life!
An Enjoyable Tomcat Page! (GREAT PICTURES)
All the specs you ever wanted on a Harrier!
A Good Armored Vehicle Page (helicopters included)!
An Interesting Jeep page.
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© 2003 Holly Avendano
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