Mike's Motocross Page

L.C.Q. Racing

Welcome to my page of motocross stuff.
A little info about me:
If you're ever in Lake Geneva you should come out and check out the Friday night motocross races.
Check out Michelle Falls 1996-1997 PJ1 Arenacross trophy girl.
Here's a pic of Jeff Emig.
More pictures

Pictures from 1999 U.S. Open Supercross

Pictures from 2000 Joliet Supercross.

Donny Schmit(1967-1996)we all miss you.
Here is a link to FiveStar Racecar Bodies, where I work. We manufacture body parts and accessories for circle track and drag racing. NASCAR, ASA, NHRA, IHRA, SCCA, ASCAR.

Links to other sites on the Web

Cycle News
Access to ESPN and ESPN2 schedules
Midwest Action Cycle
Pace Supercross
Motosports Park, Byron IL.

You are visitor since 9-23-96.
Thanks to GeoCities for the free homepage.
Any questions or comments about the page, or if any of the links don't work, or if you just want to say "Hi" E-mail me.
If you want to race over the winter check out the Arenacross Series

© 2004 Mike Herrenbruck


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