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Welcome! This page is driven by an intense interest in automobiles. Be it my current interests in classic trucks or street rods or musclecars I like and want to own them all! I'm always thinking of ideas to make 'em cooler, faster and different. Like most others, I'm on a tight budget and cooler, faster and different isn't always possible. Be sure to take a look around...check the progress on my '58 Chevy Apache or take a trip down memory lane. We've got alot to offer here so bookmark this page and watch for updates. UPDATED 07/01/99 OK GIRLS!!! I'm back in the saddle.... after several months of doing absolutely nothing to my truck I am now back in the mood to get rolling. First order is to remove all the junk that has been stored on it and in it. Then off to the store to pick up a new MIG welder. I am bound and determined to finish this truck! So sorry for the long delay if your a frequent visitor and welcome if this is your first visit! Check back soon for a update.
UPDATED! Check out the inspiration for this page! My 1958 Chevy Apache 3100. Follow along as I build my Street Machine! The frame is complete. I have updated pictures posted!
Memory Lane. We've all been there. From the cars of our past to that one race against Joe Gearjammer that you lost. If we could only go back! Check out some of the things in my past. I think you'll enjoy!
Pull into the SMD garage and check out the tech articles and our new message board plus the all new chat room. See you there! Our current contributor is Randy Johnston. He has submitted a detailed write up and pictures of his awesome '41 Ford Pick Up project. Be sure to check it out. I'm still waiting to hear from you and a status on your project! Submit your write-up to me using the address on the sidebar.
View my collection of diecast. Not looking to part with any of it...just wanted to share with others some of what I've collected over the years. Racing Champions, HotWheels, Matchbox, Johnny Lightning. Never say never...if you see something you've got to have then email me with your offer as I'm always open to trades.
I've listed some great links to other auto enthusiasts. Be sure to check them out as well! These are primarily classic truck links with some commercial automotive sites thrown in for good measure.
I'm asking all that visit to sign my guestbook. Please take a short minute (ok..ok..a long minute) to make an entry. It's really neat to hear from all the people that stop by. Please check your spelling when filling out your email or web site locations because if you goof I can't get in contact with you! Got a short survey for you...nothing complicated...for my use only.
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