Gallery #1

Touring Car Page

 Drag Race Page

Guest Book



So, you've reached to this personal page of AzhvrA...

You can see all my drag racing car, my touring car and my daily car pictures in my Gallery #2




Garden Speed

Garda Oto Racing Team


 preview page

copyright © azhvra 2003

letter & comments

Azhvra autobiography

Real Name

Alexander Gunawan

Place/Date of birth

Jakarta, May 10 1972


170 cm


65 kg


Jakarta, Indonesia


racing, surfing internet, movie

So, guys don't forget to sign up my guest book. Any comments and opinions just send e-mail. They are needed and very useful to me.

Azhvra Team

I've joined with Garden Speed since 2001 for drag & touring car race, and since 2002 we joined with Garda Oto Insurance and became Garda Oto Racing Team.