Mick's Home Page
You are the person to visit Mick's Homepage! (yeah I wish!) :)
to my Home Page. If you end up staying and looking around *prays* then you will
see that I know shit all about making a web site! But you can rest assured that
this site will keep you entertained. Whether your pissing yourself laughing at
my advice or laughing louder at my car, I'm sure that most of you surfers out
there will enjoy this site. If you want to catch me, simply follow the thick
white smoke and two midnight black tyre marks burnt on the information
superhighway or if you don't have that much time, just e-mail me at: mick@pylak.com. Anyway, stop reading this shit and check my
site out, and don't forget to have a geez at my links to other cool sites.
Mick’s Pet Spider on
Computer Desk!
>Mick’s 21st
Birthday Party Pics!! (finally added July 2001)
Mick's Guide to
Speaking Aussie!!
Shit! Look at how many people have no idea how they got here!
Mick's current relationship status:
This site was put on the web way back on the 26/7/97
Last modified on the 23/9/98