Eric Laviolette's Home Page

TL1000R rider!!

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Welcome to my home page!!

Here are somes things you might whant to know about Mayhem25:

I'm from Montreal,Quebec,Canada I'm 26 years old and single.

to see what i look like click here!

I work in a motorcycle parts distributor situated in Boucherville near Montreal called Motovan.We sell motorcycles, vtt and snowmobile parts to dealers all over canada and the United States.(see below for our web site!) I have a degree in visual arts and planning to study infographia (graphism and animation on computers) shortly! I Really like music cuz i used to be a dj.Here's some stuff i listen to ;(rage against the machine, The Tragically Hip, Jamiroquai, Red hot chili peppers, Beck, Dag, Soundgarden..ect (i could go on for ever!!) My main hobby is riding my 1998 suzuki TL1000R sport bike and train alot! In winter i snowboard to forget about my motorcycle!

Unfortunatly i had i big accident with my Rf a few months ago.I now have a brand new TL1000R and it really rock's!!!But still i Love my rf and i will miss it alot!

It's a beauty and pretty mean too!!

I usually chat with powwow
Click here if you want to reach me!

Looking foward to chatting with you!!

More links will follow!!These are really great!!

Links to other sites on the Web

motorcycle accesories

Corbin,Great motorcycles seats!

See the new 98 Suzuki models!

For pipes information click here!

Click Here to see my car!!

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