Welcome to the House of Ho. Motorcycles are the topic of conversation and center
of attention. Enjoy!
Master Ho
My 1979 Yamaha XS1100 Specials:
stock Carmine Red
custom Low Rider 1
custom Low Rider 2
custom Low Rider 3
custom Low Rider 4
XS Camp Founder Joel Thornburg & Me
link to the XS/XJ1100 Owners Association
My former 1989 Yamaha FJ1200:
stock Silky White
FJ Electronic Cruise Control!
link to the FJ1100/1200 Owners Association
My 1976 Honda GL1000 GoldWing Standard:
full dress 1
full dress 2
Now a 'mini-Valk'!
Another view
Stock seat & Vetter fairing
brochure photo
A custom '77
A custom '78
My 1986 Honda GL1200 GoldWing Aspencade:
The Blue Knight
A few of the many bikes I've owned:
1980 Honda CB400T Hawk
1981 Suzuki GS750E
1986 VT1100C Shadow
1987 Yamaha YX600 Radian
Crusher's custom BigDog AeroSport:
Stay on the porch!
Stay outta the street!
Sturgis Rally 1998:
Main Street(photo credit Dave Hogue)
Bottoms Up!(photo credit Dave Hogue)
© 1996 masterho@swbell.net