Design Links

 General automotive-related and car design sites:

Car Design News- Great site with the latest news, autoshow coverages, and discussion forum.  A must see!  Daily automotive industry news. Yet another good auto news site.

Autovision-  Car design site with news and info.

GM design center-  Informative website on GM's design process, includes info on their summer internship program.

Nicki Kwee- CCS graduate and Ford designer.   Lots of images and links.

CarLounge- General automotive website.

Pablo Diaz- Graduate from Art Center Europe.  Site contains a large portfolio of work.

Art Center College of Design- My school!  Includes admission info and student gallery.

Art Center Alumi email directory

Student and designer sites:

Arsen Akopian

T. Kiparski

Olivier Picard

Jose Kercado

Ruud van Es

Steve Kim

Chaejoong Lim

Feng Zhu

Mike Zwetkow

Jacky Choi

Nir Kahn


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