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Every K over is a killer - oh really? October 01

The latest in the propaganda arsenal was launched 7-Oct-01 by the Queensland Transport Minister, Mr. Steve Bredhauer. He stated "we want to make speeding as socially unacceptable as drink-driving" as he launched his latest attempt to justify even tighter enforcement of the speed limit.

The idea is to make the unwitting public believe that even a tiny increase travelling speed (1 or 2 km/hr) is likely to cause you to run off the road out of control or into a pedestrian. Whilst it is true that braking distance goes up with the square of the initial velocity (approximately) there is a lot more to the argument, and frankly, we're calling it for what it is - a thinly veiled attempt to brainwash people into accepting even more unnecessary enforcement that will do nothing for road safety, but lots for the government coffers.

See more with graphs etc.... (it's dramatic!)

Are you getting sick of all the Government Propaganda?
Want to take action?

A lot of people are saying to me "I'm sick of being fed a load of old cobblers by the Government dressed up as road safety, but what can I do to change the situation?"

Here's a few recommendations:

  1. Talk to your friends and give them the facts.
  2. Write letters - Local politicians, local councillors, letters to the editor are all very effective in shaping the thinking of the policy makers.
  3. Join a group or club - NMAA for example (see below)
  4. Do some research yourself and join the band of people exposing the lies we are fed. Believe me, it's a satisfying pastime.
  5. Post your thoughts to the usenet - several newsgroups actively discuss these issues. aus.cars or aus.transport for example. Check out some of the current issues

Attack on the 50km/h Nonsense March 99

QLDSPEED has been active lately in a number of newsgroups trying to get the truth out to the general public about the latest Queensland Government anti-speed propaganda campaign. So far there have been lots of positive comments from people who simple didn't realize what a huge scam it all is.

The Queensland Government has recently introduced a general 50km/h urban speed limit for the South East Queensland area. This has been acompanied by a saturation advertising campaign carefully worded so as to convince the general public that this has been a carefully thought out plan to save (huge numbers of) lives on the road.

The television advertisements feature two shots of a car in a full lockup emergency stop. One view the (50k/hr) car narrowly stops before cleaning up a child that has just run on the road. The we see an overlaid view of the same car (now doing 60km/h) and of course going well past the child. The tagline states that it will take 12 to 16 metres more to stop from 60k vs. 50k (complete nonsense - see analysis)

More details - 50km/h local speed limit analysis.

Also see some related newsgroup activity
Check out the newsgroup posts via DejaNews

National Motorists Association Australia February 99

Most other countries have a lobby group that truly represents the interests of motorists. In the USA there is the NMA and in the UK there is the Association of British Drivers in Canada there is SENSE. Now Australia can boast that it has one such organization. (Bear in mind that most so called motoring organisations in Austalia are really insurance companies - NRMA, RACQ etc. which only occasionally share a common goal with motorists)

They're getting noticed too. They've been active in most states commenting on governement policy and highlighting some of the silliness that various governments pass off as "road safety initiatives".

If you are wondering how you can join in an help make things better for motorists - check these guys out. They've recently launched a website containing some useful info as well as how to join the organization.

Broadcast of Speed Camera Locations Banned

List of Speed Camera Locations Published in Courier Mail

Comments on the 'Speed Kills' Propaganda Campaign

Links to related sites

Known Radar Locations (coming soon)

Mail in Your Sitings to be published here: Comments and correspondence
Legal Disclaimer

Given the broad nature the recent ruling in the High Court of Australia, regarding publication of material that incites or advises people on how to break the law, information such as this may in future be banned in Australia. It is unclear whether the information contained in these pages might fall into that category.
Irrespective of this, it is not the publishers intention to encourage anyone to break any laws. We only seek to make people aware of certain facts regarding speed, the arguments that are used to support certain laws and initiatives, and other speed law enforcement issues.
Since this is published outside Australia, perhaps there is not a problem. (the internet isa wonderful thing)

since 20th January 1997
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Queensland, Australia, Speeding, QLD, Queensland road traffic laws, Queensland road toll propaganda, Queensland speed cameras, camera, Queensland police harassment, road toll in Queensland, speeding, speed related accidents, speed law, Queensland speed camera propaganda, photo radar, radar speed camera, laser radar speed detection, indoctrination, television advertising,
car insurance, car club, car clubs, RACQ, NRMA, GATSO, Red-light Camera, Red Light, Drivers licence, Radar Detectors, High Performance motoring, Driving fast country roads, speed limits 100 km/h zone radar trap fatigue while driving, fast cars, inexperienced drivers, alcohol related accidents, blood alcohol level, drunken driving, drink driving under the influence of alcohol

Queensland, Australia, Speeding, QLD, Queensland road traffic laws, Queensland road toll propaganda, Queensland speed cameras, camera, Queensland police harassment, road toll in Queensland, speeding, speed related accidents, speed law, Queensland speed camera propaganda, photo radar, radar speed camera, laser radar speed detection, indoctrination, television advertising,
car insurance, car club, car clubs, RACQ, NRMA, GATSO, Red-light Camera, Red Light, Drivers licence, Radar Detectors, High Performance motoring, Driving fast country roads, speed limits 100 km/h zone radar trap fatigue while driving, fast cars, inexperienced drivers, alcohol related accidents, blood alcohol level, drunken driving, drink driving under the influence of alcohol

Queensland, Australia, Speeding, QLD, Queensland road traffic laws, Queensland road toll propaganda, Queensland speed cameras, camera, Queensland police harassment, road toll in Queensland, speeding, speed related accidents, speed law, Queensland speed camera propaganda, photo radar, radar speed camera, laser radar speed detection, indoctrination, television advertising,
car insurance, car club, car clubs, RACQ, NRMA, GATSO, Red-light Camera, Red Light, Drivers licence, Radar Detectors, High Performance motoring, Driving fast country roads, speed limits 100 km/h zone radar trap fatigue while driving, fast cars, inexperienced drivers, alcohol related accidents, blood alcohol level, drunken driving, drink driving under the influence of alcohol