The Unofficial
Watercooled Volkswagen Enthusiasts of BC
Welcome to the Unofficial Watercooled
Volkswagen Enthusiasts of BC homepage! This page is deticated to all people
who own, want to own, or just plain enjoy the sheer beauty of the fine
German engineered Volkswagen. My intentions with this page is to not only
share my limited knowledge with others, but to all further my knowledge
about VW related stuff i.e. mods, upgrades, info etc. If you have ANY comments,
or you wish to add anything to what I cover in this page, please feel obligated
to do so. I love to learn about this stuff, and I want to learn everything
I can about it. I could talk about it all day.
* The TEC Supercharged Corrado VR6 Synchro
Just a quick note here to say that this page is under construction, and
due to the fact that it is my first page, it will probably suck for a bit,
but hopefully through your feedback/comments/suggestions,
I can get this page lookin good! So please PLEASE don't hesitate to drop
me a line. On with the show!