Powering the wheels of commerce and civilisation - taking the integrity and reliability of British Engineering to the four corners of the world. Gardner engines and Scammell lorries represented British expertise wherever goods and / or people had to be moved.
The Dutch coasterman plowing the stormy Islemeer gave thanks for his sturdy Gardner oil engine as the seas and tides grew rougher, the bus passenger in the arid wilds of West Africa gave not a though that their Gardner engined bus would get them and their produce to market, the oil fields of Saudi Arabia reverberated to the sound of the heavy Scammell workhorses towing the majestic drilling rigs.
All over the world, British engineering reigned supreme. All over the world, Scammell and Gardner were synonymous with quality, integrity and reliability. The wheels of the commerce of the empire were Scammell, and the locomotive power of Empire was Gardner.
As the Sun set on Empire and the British Motor Industry, the Scammell works closed on 31st. May, 1988.
Gardner, however, continue to prosper, the historic qualities of high torque and high reliability that have so marked their engines through their long history now finding new application and appreciation in a world that is rediscovering the soul of engineering contained in these magnificent oil burners.
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