by Lars Sköldström

Specialized in Volvo 740 GLT 16 valve

Number of Visitors, since May 1996

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This is a 375 Plus -54, it looks as the 375 Mille Miglia, which also is a very nice car, maybe better than the Volvo 744 GLT 16 valve -89 that I own. My Volvo is newer. But I´m sure that you don't want to see a picture of the Volvo. It's better travel in than to look at.

Some data about the Ferrari 375 Plus: Engine: 12 cylinders in 60° V, Bore and stroke: 84 x 74.5 mm. 4,954.34 cc. Compression ratio 9.2:1. Max. power output 330 bhp at 6,000 rpm. Fuel feed 3 Weber 46 DCF/3 carburettors. Ignition Double, 2 magnetos. Tyres: Front 6.00-16, rear 7.00-16. Fuel tank 140 litres. Weight empty: 950 kg.

Now realize that the car was build in 1954, what has happened since?

If you cannot afford a car like my Volvo 744 GLT 16 valve
a good alternative is the new Jaguar XK8

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