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please see new site at:

to the site information page Directions to Bronson Field.

to the picture pagePictures - members and guests for specific events

to the calander & results page 2002 Calender and Results links and access to the 2001 & 2000 Calenders.

to the links page LINKS... auto, member and racing.

to the classifieds pageCLASSIFIEDS.... items for sale, trade and or wanted.

to the links page WEATHER for Mobile, AL.

to the links page WEATHER for Pensacola, FL.

to the picture pageAnimation and clip art with racing theme.

Club Officers:

Regional Executive - Walt O. Wurzbach. (251) 945-6150

Asst. Regional Executive - Cliff Kirk (850) 572-2276

Secretary - Roberta Speh (251) 943-4114

Treasurer - John Galligan (251) 961-3050

Area III Director - K. P. Jones (945) 525-7685

Area XII Director - Phil Mellor (706)0356-7052

Director at Large - Topper Jones (251) 943-7630

Director at Large - Earl Walker (850) 458-1212

Solo II Co-Chairman - Topper Jones (251) 943-7630

Solo II Co-Chairman - Cliff Kirk (850) 572-2276

Should any region member have pictures, feel free to e-mail them to the web master in jpg or gif format only

This SCCA Racing Ring site is owned by
SCCA Region 12

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