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Welcome to Unofficial Dodge Central!

Meet my Smiley

His name is Lil' MasterTech.

Smiley Pet: A pet whose main purpose is to make people smile!

Adopt your own pet smileyVisit the smiley farm!>

Glad you made it!


Sign Into the Racing Log... View my cool Racing Log...

Member of The Legion of Doom! Roadwarriors:) Hi, everybody! First off, I would like to thank my buddy, Uncle Walt, at Tardis. He runs the Doctor Who page.:) Please bear with me so I can try to help you all with your questions. First, we'll try to cover anything you would like to know about Mother Mopar, (as the devoted know, this is the name some people call our fav company. Just leave your name at the door and someone will get with you ASAP! Thank you and come again! If you'd like to see me and other pics, click here.

Links to other sites on the Web

Uncle Walt, the first step in the Legion of Doom...

The New Mopar Performance website, this way...

To my favorite, cheap little car. . .

To My namesake's page. . .

To the work side of Chrysler. . .

4 wheeling, Willy's fans, and Jeeps right this way...

And to Mother Mopar herself and the birth of our new company, Daimler-Chrysler...

To Ralph's page, and the second step into the Legion of Doom...

To Bobbert's Homepage, and my webmaster and last step for the Legion of Doom...

Bye, Yall! Come back now, hear?:)

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