Capitan Rayito! (Captain Lightin')
aka: Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

? Do you want to drive an Electric Car ? <== then CLICK here

? Who is this Guy ?
I'm the Internet Electric Vehicle List Editor (a free EV info source).
I'm also one of the EV & AE List sysop's.

I spend my time, money, and effort to help people get the information on Electric Vehicles
(EVs), so they can make a their own wise choice if they would like to purchase and drive
an EV. My other activities include: Hybrid EVs, Fuel Cell EVs, & Renewable Energy.

I have no other income other than my day job (which has nothing to do with EVs). I have
no EV business, and all my work is for free (my own time, and out of my own pocket).
I spend my time to help arrange, educate the public on EVs. I also facilitate the installation
of EV parking spots in a good, cost effective way.

I am the EVents Officer of the San Jose Chapter of the Electric Auto Association (EAA).
I help arrange, and attend many different EVents where Electric Vehicles [image spot]
are on display &/or rides given. This is for public EV awareness of their
Transportation options

[counter] by BruceDP 11/01