Charlie's Camaro Z28 Webpage

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Mods My Car Friends' Cars Stats

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I first decided that I wanted a 4th gen. Camaro when I took my "dream car" a bone stock 1985 Monte Carlo SS to the Gateway dragstrip on a Friday night test&tune.  The amazing results were 15.6 @ 86.8.  Woopty doo, a 15.6 out of a V-8 sports car, yeah not to impressive.  So i began looking for an answer.  I soon remembered the car my older friend had bought and taken me for a ride and it was so new looking and way faster than my Car, So when it was up for sale...BAM I bought it.  A 1993 Chevy Camaro Z28 with t-tops and a 6-speed.

I would highly recomend this magazine to all newer f-body owners.

    MFBO Missouri F-Body Organization Forum

Here we plan gatherings go to the track, cruise around town and help with car problems.  We have quite a few members now and the gathering turnouts are pretty good.

Here are some pics.  Click here to view larger.

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Here's a pic right before i got new tires.

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If you look hard enough you can see my car         click here for a few more.

Agostino Racing Engines

Ever sence I saw the article with these guys building a 400 RWHP N/A LS1 with there heads and cam kit I've been hooked.  I would highly recomend these guys. I have pics under my mods page.

I have to throw in a word for this forum, probably the biggest Camaro Webpage there is.  They also have a Group Purchase and For Sale section which has saved me lots of money.


Custom Speaker Box 2 Rockford XLC's

Thanks for visiting, e-mail me any comments or questions.