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Lowell Paden


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top me

top paden me Information About Me
 My Name:        Lowell V. Paden, Jr.
 ** note **      Paden is pronounced PAY-den, not PAD-en
 Aliases:        My family and church friends call me L.V.
                 At school, college, and work I have always been Lowell
                 Rare: Vince, Elvis, AJ, VL, LP, Lo-el, Vee, Alfie
                 Preference: L.V.
 Home:           Chester, VA USA
 Born:           06/05/49 at Littlefield, TX
 Sex:            Male
 Marital Status: Single
 College:        BA in Mathematics, David Lipscomb University, June-1971
 Church:         church of Christ, 601 Cameron Ave, Col Hts, VA
 Computers:      Pentium 166mhz (home); VAX, UNIX, IBM mainframe (work)
 Cars:           1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue GL, metallic red, 3800-II engine
                 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible, Bronze, 350ci, 2bbl
 Hobbies:        Helping others with PC's,
                 family genealogy (Paden's, Carroll's),
                 my '72 Olds Cutlass convertible (201k miles, running great!)
 Occupation:     Database Analyst at VA Dept of Transportation
 Quote:          Have fun!! And make sure everyone you meet does too.   =|8^)
 Searchable by:  Geocities and Internet

top carroll me paden Paden Genealogy

My Paden family lineage (45k), starting with James Peden (b.1705).
Earliest known ancestors were apparently Peden's, changed to Paden late 1700's to early 1800's. The Paden family originated in Scotland.
Other surnames prominent in my paternal line: Jones, Perkins, Endsley, Copeland.

Other Paden/Peden pages: Larry J. Paden, Clare Irene Peden Midgley

top ancestry paden carroll Carroll Genealogy

My Carroll family lineage (16k), starting with Hercules Carroll (1828-1906).
The Carroll's are of Irish descent, but we have not made the connection of our lineage back to Ireland. We do not know who were the parents of my great-grandfather, Hercules Carroll, or if he had any brothers or sisters. We are stumped! He was born 28-Nov-1828, in Painesville Ohio. He was in the Union army during the Civil War. He enlisted in Columbus Ohio in Company B, 6th Regiment, US Cavalry on 5-Aug-1861 and served until 1-Apr-1864 (according to his pension records). But he is not listed in the official roster of Ohio soldiers of the Civil War in the 6th Regiment, Co. B. He received a pension starting in 1891 and died 7-May-1906 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have plenty of information about him from 1861 on, but nothing before that. He's not even in the censuses before 1870, that we can find.
Other surnames prominent in my maternal line: Lynch, Wisner, Ports.

Other Carroll pages: Dave Carroll
Irish links: Irish Times Newspaper, Irish National Archives

top church carroll ancestry My Ancestry

My ancestry chart (16k).

Genealogy: National Genealogical Society, Genealogical Resource Links, Surnames (Yahoo)
Surname Search: Roots Surname List, Ancestry Search, SSI Death Index
Family TreeMaker: Homepage, Online Census Index!

top email ancestry church church of Christ links

churches of Christ: What do they believe?, ditto
church of Christ homepages: The church of Christ, Garcia, Cyberspace
church of Christ homepages: Heavin
Congregations: Garcia, Cyberspace, Ryan, Highland Park, 21st Century Christian
Congregations: Church of Christ/North, Texas A&M, Yahoo, ChurchSurf, North Carolina churches of Christ
Membership directories: Garcia, Highland Park, The church of Christ
Bible Study: E-mail Bible Course, Study Sites, Lesson Archive, Bible InfoNet
Outreaches: Herald of Truth, Yahoo links
Publishers: 21st Century Christian Bookstore, Gospel Advocate Publishers, Howard Publishing
Preaching Schools: Sunset International Bible Institute, Memphis School of Preaching
Church colleges: David Lipscomb University (my Alma Mater, June 1971)
Church colleges: Harding, Oklahoma Christian, Freed-Hardeman, Abilene Christian, Pepperdine
Church colleges: Ohio Valley College
DLU: Alumni e-mail links, Alumni homepages
Bible: Bible Gateway, KJV search

Promise Keepers: Homepage, Yahoo links, Opposing Views
Bible Study: "Legalism" vs "Grace"

top church email Contact me

mailto:lvpaden@geocities.com You can send me e-mail at:

LVPaden@yahoo.com (home) or Paden_LV@yahoo.com (work)

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