New emblems!!!

To any MIG member wanting one!

This is the original emblem.

This is the
MIG version.

Note: as I have come
to find out.....
Chrome does
not scan well!!
These Images
are the
best I could do,
But I assure you,
they are chrome!

(The scanner also scanned all the imperfections on the glass)

There will be more pics with the embelms on the bike as soon as I get take them.

In case your wondering where exactly this emblem is on your bike.......

To Intruder owners and those who would like one elsewhere, I can send you the mounting tape, and the holes will not be drilled in those plates... You can have anything you want on it, and get as many as you want. These are roughly done, and I assure you yours will be smooth as a babies butt around the edges.*lol*

The plates are $3.50 a piece and will be shipped through the regualar mail. For more information, contact me.....
