Report and photos of my motorcycle trips

Hello dear motorcycling Friends:
I am Alessandro Zorat, live in Trento, Northern Italy, near the Dolomites, work at the University of Trento (dept. of Computer and Management Science) and like to ride motorcycles. Click here for a view of my stable.
Here is my page detailing some memorable outings that I (and other friends) took with my trusted R80-RT of 1980 vintage (named "die Diesel" because of her rather majestic, but slow acceleration).
Recently (end of 1998) I got my hands on another BMW - a 1995 R11RS (named "La Rossa" because of her color). See below for some of the first outings with her.
I am a member of the EuroPrezz mailing list - a spin-off of the IBMWR list, comprising a bunch of Beemer enthusiasts and good friends. For this reason, the reports sometimes refer to other people only by name, since the other EuroPrezz members know who they are.

Trip reports Most recent trip are on top

Photos of man and his machine

This is to show you I have my priorities straight

Link to other photos

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