As you may (or not) have guessed from the nicknane I'm a BIG fan of the Mini Car. I'm also a nethead, spending loads of time on IRC. I also have to work for a living :-( and if you're interested you can check out what I do Here.
A description of my Mini's and some pics are Here.
If you are a fan of the Mini then you'll want to visit This page. It's billed as the Only URL you'll ever need and I can quite belive it!
I have plenty of projects in the pipeline to do with Mini's, follow This link to find out more.
If you need to work out the correct Speedo drive gears to use for a particular wheel/tyre/differential combination then look Here.
Rolling Road report on my brothers Mini.
Information on the New 1997 Mini.
Pictures of the concept Rover Mini are Here
Pictures of the Mini to be made in the year 2000 from the frankfurt motor show, September 1998
If you encounter any problems or just want a chat about anything on my pages then just mail me at:-