Changes are always underway

It's hard to believe so much time has passed and there has been so little progress with any of the projects. Most of the motorcycles are in the same spot and condition they were a year ago.

My vintage 1962 travel trailer is about the same too, but it did serve well at Burning Man again this year. The new uphostery was a big improvement over last time.

(as always) To be continued...
Well, it is about time for a full update, but not right now. I still have the old Oasis trailer and have some ideas for it, but this year I took a new(er) 1973 travel trailer to Burning Man. The old '62 did the job, but I finally stepped up and went a to the next level and got one with a self-contained bathroom. It is sure nice to not need a bucket sized porta-potty and sponge baths.
more later...