Room(s) for Rent
March 1, 2006
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2 Rooms for Rent in South East Calgary, Alberta - McKenzie Towne
Can be Furnished or None Furnished
$400ea + $400 Deposit
All Utilities Included
Central Air Conditioning
Phone, TV, Internet Available
Main Bath Shared Between the 2 Rooms
Some Exercise Equipment
Non - Smoking
No - Pets / Kids
Females Preferred Work -Email
Outside Work - Email
Cori's Room Still Available
Main Bathroom Upstairs Laundry
2nd Floor
Work - Email Home - Email
Main Floor
Me Work - Email Cori
257-2787 home
803-6667 cell
Cori has taken the 1st room and one is still available.
I am looking to rent out 2 rooms, they will share the main bath. I am easy going and easy to get along with.
Hi there, My name is Cori and I'm a 25 year old professional female who works nights only 4 days a week with 3 days off. Most of my time is spent sleeping during the day and on days off I'm at the boyfriends house. I am honest, trustworthy and have great respect for others as long as they show respect to me. I am a fairly clean person not completley anal . I am a truly easy person to get a long with.
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