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OK first of all you probably want to know just who I am..well on ICQ and in various chat rooms I'm known as HitchHiker..or Doctor Dirty depending on my mood. My real'll have to figure that out for yourself :) Somewhere in this page you'll find it..if you look carefully *L*
I'm an old guy (been told I look bout 50 :( :( )from a little town called Sturbridge, Massachusetts.
I am about 5'6", 130 lbs. I have brown hair (turning grey), blue eyes, and glasses.
Here's me. Granted this pic is nearly 10 years old but it's about the only one of me that I have..other than my driver's license and there ain't no way in hell I'm showing off that fugly picture!!
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts.
This page is starting to win Awards!! Could use more though *hint hint*
I have a red Doberman Pinscher named Duchess.
I love all forms of motorsports, especially
My favorite driver is Dale Earnhardt.

I love cruising, racing, and showing my 1975 Pontiac Firebird.
I love listening to classic favorite band of all time is Led Zeppelin.
For the best in classic rock check out

I am an avid reader, mostly science fiction and fantasy.
My favorite series of books is The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey.
Another great series of books is The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Here's the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Game. Note: This file is in a ZIP format so you need an unzipping program. I use Win Zip
Check out my page dedicated to the funniest comedian around, John Valby.
Check out my page of Automotive Links!!
If I'm not messing around online or working on my car, then I'm usually out sleeping by the pool during the summer.

Have a good laugh for yourself...go HERE!!!

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