OK now this is my stepfather. Since I didn't have a picture of him ripping the guts out of a deer I figured I'd settle for him in a "happy" mood :)
This is my mom or Mommie Dearest as I like to refer to her. (It pisses her off hehehe)
For the last time this is my sister sitting next to me (in the vest)!!!!  Yes she is taken. (Jonathon is the child between us in the first) My honey!!
Click here for pics of the baby!!
This was my cat Tigger. I miss him so much. I sometimes go to call for him. :( Here is the puppy girl Buttons (the one who can't sit still). God, I love this dog.
Here is my buddy "Rich" if ya think he is hot email me :)
Here is me and my brother!! Lordy do i miss him!!!!!
Obviously an animal lover, which provides huge laughs for those of you who only see the "butch".
And we must not forget the pics of Gillian Anderson. ( I swear she is so appetizing).
Now keep your eyes peeled for further developments (like when my lazy ass gets around to it) Just come back over and over and over again!!
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