Baby Annie...4 months old!
Baby Annie
My name is Baby Annie and I'm a Yorkshire Terrier. My Mom and Dad bought me from a breeder. In the contract my breeder promised that she was giving my parents a healthy pup at the time of Purchase. When my new parents got me home I was sick. My mom called the breeder and told her that I was sneezing, stuff was flying out my nose and I was chocking or coughing.

Mom made an appointment with my new
vet to see what was going on. In the mean time my breeder told my Mom that I caught my breeder's cold.
When I got to the
vet I had Kennel cough and my vet said that my eyes were abnormally small. I have black lines down half my eyes on both of them and a fleshy substance. Now my mom has to take me to the ophthalmologist to see if I need to have surgery. My mom called my breeder and she said she would only take me back.....but my mom and dad love me too much. In the contract My mom got, it says I'm supposed to be a healthy pup upon receipt. I'm not and my breeder won't do anything to defray the medical costs! My mom had 5 days in the contract to have me checked out. I was supposed to be in great health. I had to have a shot right away and 10 days of this awful pink stuff and twice a day too! My breeder hasn't given my parents the name of the vet she says gave me my puppy shots and my mom was told she would mail that out to us. All mom got was a piece of paper that had one shot on it that the breeder wrote in herself.
Yup, I'm Baby Annie!
Read Baby Annie's Vet Records
Here is my new seeing eye pal Brodie Bear but Mommy and Daddy just call him Bear. We are great friends and play together all day. I am so happy Mommy and Daddy got him. Mommy now feels happy too that I'm playing like a puppy should. See there are happy endings.
My Info: About Baby Annie
Update: I recently found another owner who bought a blind pup from my breeder.
Click here to visit his website.
The the breeder emailed my Mom and told her I was inoculated for Kennel cough. Well either the shot didn't work or I got kennel cough anyway! Or I didn't get that shot!!!
The breeder won't send any proof that I even got these so-called shots. She told my Mom and Dad that they caused me to get Kennel cough, how can that be when I got sick when I got to my new home? There are no other canine's living here and my Mom and Dad didn't even take me outside!

My mom asked around and was told a good, loving breeder would do everything they could to help their new whelped pups. Up to and including the cost of me, by the way which was $1500.00 and I'm not show quality, breeding material, I'm a family member in my new home!

I'm happy that my parents didn't take me back there. See the breeder sent photo's of me before they came to see me and they just fell in love with my cutie face. She had them hooked but good ;)

Anyway if you are thinking about buying a Yorkshire Terrier, you let us know and we will tell you who to keep away from because she is listed as a ruputable breeder. You can reach my Mom at
My mom would be happy to show you the email correspondence that states that she does not require the return of the pup if as she states something so could amiss.
Click here to read the email correspondence.  Mom showed the contract to other breeders and my breeder should be paying the costs but, instead she told my mom it was a routine visit. Isn't routine when I go into the vets and he says fine lookin pup you've got there and I get my next shot?
Mommy took me to the eye specialist today  4-10-02 and I have congenital Blindness, due to persistent pupillary membranes. Persistent pupillary membranes are extra iris tissue that can cover the lens and prevent vision.
My mommy is very smart, she had me just one day and knew I had something wrong with my eyes. My breeder had me 4 months and didn't say squat! Mommy found out she lied to her after calling the breeders vet 
Click Here to Read Baby Annie's Medical Records.

Update: After my mommy received the medical reports from my breeder's vet the reports proved my breeder had lied to my mommy and daddy and the breeder refunded my parents their money. I am so happy I got to stay with my mommy and daddy.
Well thanks for reading my story. 

Baby Annie

Update: We recently found another puppy bred by this breeder that is also blind. Please visit her website