These are various sound files and frame grabs done as requests in

Food Chain pic from 0705 #3F03 Lisa the Vegetarian

Painting: Son of Man by Rene Magritte parody from 0505 #1F04 Tree House of Horror IV

various sound files

Pigeon-Rat pics from "The Thing and I" in 0801 #4F02 Treehouse of Horror VII

Bart in scuba gear pics from 0722 #3F19 Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'

Shifty eyed dog pics from 1101 #AABF23 Beyond Blunderdome

Homer in his Mr. Plow jacket from 04-09 #9F07 Mr. Plow

George Bush's shredded memoirs from 0713 #3F09 Two Bad Neighbors

Homer says goodbye to Lenny's picture from 0823 #4F19 Homer's Enemy

What's in between the surface and bunker in 0709 #3F08 - Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Another shot of what's in between the surface and bunker in 0709 #3F08 - Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming

Jasper's picture from his personal ad in 0316 #8F16 - Bart the Lover

Various pictures featuring nudity

BTO pics from 11-13 #BABF09 Saddlesore Galactica

Thanks to W for the source on these. on Google Groups
Simpsons Episode Guide at TV Tome
SNPP Simpsons Archive

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