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FUNNY you will like.

Give me a LOONIE or TOONIE,
   Modern day panhandling at it's best.

I'm the fashionable
that line many pockets
pull one out & address
to me.  "Thanks"

barnesandnoble.com Homepage

              Dollar Dance Concept 1                         Acceptance (Of Self ) is the foundation of receiving.                 


Multiple Dollar Donations
          are Accepted.



          Method of donations.

Loonie, Toonie, Bills, Coin.
Money orders, Gift certificates.                          


    Method of donations.

Bills-American & canadian.
Loonie & Toonie.

     Method of donations.

Other currency

Bills are more than welcome.

              To partisapate with FREEBUCKS 

Guest Book & other fun stuff.

For Contribution Address & Guest Book.

YOU ASK, what do i get for Contributing my hard earned
money to some guy that is Panhandling on the world wide web.
NOTHING, But a big wet kiss,Your name on my soon to come contribution page.  But first i need.                                                                                                                                                                                                               .....     CONTRIBUTORS    .....

Wet kiss

my e-mail

E - Mail Contact

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