Fullerenes by Alexandr Talyzin

List of publications

Hydrogenation of C

Fullerenes in solution, solvates

Table of C
60 solubility for some common solvents

Sulfur fullerenes

High pressure reserach

Raman spectra
of C

Summary of 2004 activities with HPHT of C60

"Magnetic carbon"
invited presentation at
ECS2007, ppt file


About this page:
Here you can find some information related to my previous research (see menu on the right side), some of the subjects are:

- fullerenes C
60 and C70 in solution

- fullerene solvates and their phasetransitions

- High Pressure C
60 polymers, in situ  High Pressure High temperature  Raman and XRD studies

- superhydrogenation of C

Now I also have personal web page which describes other research (not related to fullerenes) :

phone: +46 (0)90 786 6320
Umeå University
Department of Physics, 901 87 Umeå,
My current job
About me :
I graduated from St-Petersburg University (1993)
I started to work with fullerenes in

A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Insitute
St.Petersburg, Russia
I defended my PhD thesis in

Uppsala University
at the department of
Inorganic Chemistry
. (2001)
The title of thesis is:
"New fullerene materials Obtained in Solution and by
High Pressure High Temperature Treatment"
2001-2003  Worked at IMRA-Europe (France)
2004-2007  Postdoctral researcher, Umea University
2007- Assistent Professor, Umeå University
Assistent Professor (forskarassistent)
Umeå Unversity,  Department of Physics, Sweden

Current research:
1. High pressure high temperature studies using diamond anvil cell technology. Right now we are working with:
-complex hydrides
2. Hydrogen storage
3. C60-hydrogen materia