Personal Pictures

Mickey and my chihuahua, Chi Chi. :)

The next few are of me and some of my friends at school in our lovely purple and khaki uniforms! (Yuck)

Me up top, Left to right=Whitney, Kattie H., Katie F., Tasha, and Sarah

Me and Kattie

Me and my purple Mickey Mouse sucker

Kelli (she's crazy!) and Megan

Crystal, Kattie, and Kelli

This is me and Tasha on stage right before we sang our duet. She was asking me the words! LOL!

These next ones are of me and my friends at my birthday party. I had a bonfire so that's why it's dark.

L to R=Emma, Kenny, Brittney, Tasha, Me, Megan, Zach, Kelli, and Kattie. Mickey was taking the picture, Toni and Jason had already left.

Opening presents!

Me and Kattie, Kelli in the back. (She looks kinda drunk, huh? LOL)

Me and Kelli with the shirt she got me!

Me and Mickey and the porch swing. Kelli's sitting and Kenny's sitting. (Mickey's making a face.)

L to R=Toni and Jason, Megan and Kattie, and Emma

Zach and Kelli

Me and the love of my life, Mickey.

And the birthday of several! :) (Notice how the picture came out dreamy looking...neat, huh?) More Pictures...