Welcome to my alpha page!



About Me


Curriculum Vitae (English)


Curriculum Vitae (Croatian)


European CV


Letter of Recommendation



My Projects


*new* Fraktura penisa.pps (hrv)


Women Mayors in Croatia 02/2005


Stability Pact GTF Newsletter:       In the Mainstream 1

                                                           In the Mainstream 2


Stability Pact GTF:   SEE Statistics 03/2005.xls

SEE Ministers 07/1999.xls

SEE Women Ministers 2004.doc

SEE Women Ministers Comparation 1999/2005.xls

SEE Women Ministers Comparation 1999/2005.doc



My Documents


Works:           Carl Orff (hrv)

                        Multipla skleroza (hrv)

                        Recikliranje (hrv)

                        SUDBINA ZVIJEZDA VELIKIH MASA (hrv)

                        Teorija evolucijskih hibrida (hrv)



Religious Works:      Mt 23 (hrv)

                                   Problem sadašnjice - Big Brother (hrv)

                                   Problem sadašnjice - Pobacaj (hrv)


Some Fireworks graphics:             Moneyfico banner - animated

                                                           Moneyfico banner