Jeff's Guide To Visalia, California
A Little Town Chock Full of Giant Things
"Gateway to the Sequoias"
Many people pass through Visalia on the way to the Sequoia National Park to see the giant Sequoia Redwood trees. Few stop to check out this town of nearly 100,000.
Visalia is located nearly in the middle of California, about 45 miles south of Fresno in the Central Valley, (San Joaquin Valley)
Visalia has that "small town" feel to it. People sometimes even smile and say "hello" to you. (imagine that!?) We are made up of many different cultures. The Mexican influence is heavy here. Spanish is spoken commonly around town and the many different Mexican restaurants, each with a unique style, are dotted around the city. Somehow Taco Bell survives though!

Location of Visalia
Visalia, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, is a farming town. Also, many dairies are in the county. Sure, when you think of California, you probably think of earthquakes, blonds, traffic jams, smog, and surfers. Of course we have all that, but we actually have MORE cows in the county than people. I don't know where they are stacking all the cows, but that is what I have been told.
Visalia is not what you'd think of when you think of "California". Hopefully,
after checking this out, you will be much more educated about what Visalia is all about.

Me at the Airshow (thought I would throw this in for ya, has nothing to do with Visalia)
I decided to create this webpage because you can NEVER really find any "normal" pictures of any city on the web. You see some historical pictures, some statues and maybe some buildings....but it is rare to find anything that represents common and everyday life.
I have to say it IS hard to do that. I believe that pictures are worth a thousand words so bear with the slow loading of these pages.

One of the newest landmarks in Visalia, the Giant Windmill. I have NO clue why they built it, but is spins around and blows away all those "cow smells"

Giant Michelin Man Action!
This is at the California Farm Equipment Show

Hangin' out at Starbucks in Downtown Visalia
Continue to page 2
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Everything here is the express opinion of me. This page is not an advertisement for any commercial business. All pictures photographed by Jeff Heeszel I would greatly appreciate any comments or feedback and will reply to any email or questions. © August 1999.
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