Buckeye Council  -  Sandy Beaver District
The Scout About
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Welcome to Salem, Ohio
Home of Troop 3 - Boy Scouts
and Pack 3 - Cub Scouts

This is the Internet version of our local newsletter.  We don't include the entire newsletter on this site.  It is primarily used to display photos of our Scouts at work and play,  and are provided here for everyone's enjoyment

You will also find links to Scout related web pages, Important Dates for both outfits, and Special Events that Scouts and Parents should be aware of.

We hope to keep adding more useful features to our web page, so please visit as often as you can and check for new updates.

CubMaster - Pack 3
Can you identify this location.  E-mail me your answer, or tell me at one of our Scout meetings.
Scout Links
Pictures - Troop 3
Pictures - Pack 3
Important Dates
Special Events
Contact Info:
ScoutMaster - Troop 3
CubMaster - Pack 3