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We hope you will take just a few minutes to read our story.  Our hope is that we can prevent this from ever
happening to you.

My husband and I started a small roofing company.  We hoped to make enough money to support our 3 sons.  We had a great start but by the end of the year my husband was affected by Bell's Palsy.  If your not familiar with Bell's, it is a sudden paralysis of one side of your face.  One day he was fine, next day half of his face was paralyzed.  He recovered about 85% of facial movement, however 6 months later he got it again on the other side of his face.  I was pregnant with our 4 th child. 

We started receiving phone calls from Great Western Directories, Inc. about advertising in a local phone book.  We knew advertising was important to any new business. 

This is only the beginning of the story, please continue on next page,
Small Business vs. Big Business.

We would appreciate your support!

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