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To LarShaRon Enterprises
Your Small Business Internet Consultants
Don't you wish money grew on trees?
Thinking of starting a small business?
Do you already have a small business that isn't seeing the profits you had hoped?

All small business owners want the same thing: More profits!
The problem is in realizing those increased profits.
In today's business market, one of the easiest ways to increase profits is to utilize the Internet as a business tool.
A properly constructed and placed web site can increase profits more than a full page color advertisement in a prominent trade magazine.
The reason for this - cost.
It would cost near $100,000 for a full page, color ad in a major trade magazine, and then it would only run for a month or two.
Where as a web site can be maintained indefinately for a fraction of the cost. I know that there are some companies charging $10,000 or more to build corporate web sites that incorporate e-commerce, and online ordering.

What if I told you I could set up your web site, with e-commerce and online ordering, host it in a very high traffic area of the web, and ensure that it came up high on searches for as little as $2,500? Would that interest you? What if I told you that I could then maintain your site for as little as $200 per month, as opposed to the thousands other companies would charge? Would that interest you? I think it would. Please contact me for more information.

Remember, my job is to help your business earn a greater profit.
Want to find out more?
Email me!