Siphor's HTML Guide

The purpose of this tutorial is to put an end to the belief that HTML is some foreign language that only the geekiest of the geeks can understand. In reality, programming with HTML is the equivalent of talking to a five year old.

With that in mind.. lets begin.
First off a little history lesson. Now dont freak out, I'll make this quick..
  • First, there was no internet
  • Then, there was the internet
  • People needed a way to make web pages standardized
  • Nerds create HTML

    See, that wasnt so bad now was it?

    What is HTML?

    Hypertext Markup Language

    HTML is the text that a web browser (internet expolorer, netscape, etc) uses to put together a web page. HTML code is put into a HTML file. All an HTML file is is a text file with the ".html" extension. You can also use .HTM, but that was from the ghetto days from windows 3.1 where you could only have 3 character file extensions.. so I dont use it. Does it change the file? No, not at all. But like I said, its ghetto.

    HTML code is a bunch of commands that you put into the text file. These commands correspond to what you want your web page to look like. All html codes, which are more commonly known as HTML Tags will look like this:

    <stuff goes in here>

    All HTML tags begin and end with < and >

    Starting to build a page

    A basic HTML file looks like this:
    	<TITLE>Page Title</TITLE>
    		(all your tags that build the page go in the body section)
    Now, lets look at a breakdown of what all this means:


    The <HTML> tag tells a web browser that the page it is loading is an HTML page. The browser then begins to process all the the HTML tags in the file, since it now knows it is dealing with an HTML file.


    The <HEAD> tag sepcifies the beginning of what is called the "header" of the HTML file. The header contains information such as the page title, javascript commands and meta tags (both of which will be described later). And of coure, </HEAD> deliniates the end of the header.


    This specifies the title which appears on the taskbar of the browser window. For example, at the top of this page it says "Siphor's HTML Guide". That is what is in my title tag.


    This is by far one of the most important tags in your page. It marks the beginning of the body of your HTML file. The body section is where the party is happening. In the body you define all of your tags which makes an HTML page look the way it does. Everything from links to pictures to tables, this is where it all happens. In the body tag is also where you specify what colors your site has, but we will discuss that later.

    </BODY> and </HTML>

    These tags close off the body and end the HTML file.

    Getting Started

    I'm sure that you've all heard of these nifty wam-bang programs for creating HTML files.
    I'll tell you this right now, they are all crap if you are trying to learn true HTML.  When
    you actually learn HTML, these programs will make it simpler, but what good is it to use them
    if you dont know what the hell you are doing, or what the program is doing?  That is why I'm
    going to make you learn the hard way: with notepad.  So to get started, open up notepad..
    And there is is ladies and gentlemen: your HTML creator.  Yep, spiffy isn't it? So, after 
    all that excitement, lets get started..
    As I said earlier, all an HTML file is is a text file with the HTML tags in it, and that is 
    what we are about to create, a text file (the reason for using notepad) with HTML tags in it.

    Step one, lay out the basics

    As I showed you earlier, there are a few tags that all html pages have, the html, head, title, body tags. Go ahead and put those into notepad, or you can just cut and paste my example. Once you have done that, go ahead and save. Now when you save, you need to add that .html extension, otherwise the page wont load as an HTML page. To do this, when you go to save and it comes up with the line for putting in the file name, simply put a .html after it. Example: Hit save, and you're done.

    Step two, make your presence known

    Now lets start customizing this page. In your body section put some text, and text, a simple "Hello World" will even do. Once you have done that, save it and open the file. Open it by going to the directory and double-clicking the file you saved it as. Since you saved it with the .html extension, windows now knows that it is an html file, and it opens it up into internet explorer (or whatever your default browser is). Your page as of yet should look like so: ..Terribly exciting. But dont worry, we're getting there.

    Step Three, colors

    For those of you that buy orange backpacks and yellow shoes, this is section is for you: setting up some basic clors. To setup the basic color scheme for your site, we will be putting paramaters into the <BODY> tag. A paramter is something you put into a tag the specifies some extra settings for that tag. In thise case, we are going to be using the following paramaters of the body tag: BGCOLOR - This paramater defines the background color of the page. TEXT - Defines the overall color of the text on the page. Now, you're probably wondering what to do with these paramaters. It is best shown by example: <BODY BGCOLOR="BLUE"> This shows how you add the BGCOLOR paramater to the <BODY> tag. Inside of the " " is where you specify the value of the paramater, in this case, the color. Using the text paramater is just the same: <BODY TEXT="YELLOW"> Now, for simplicity, the people who designed HTML were nice to us, and made it so that you can put more than one paramater into a tag at a time, like this: <BODY BGCOlOR="BLUE" TEXT="YELLOW"> Go ahead and add these paramaters to your file. Hit save, and then refresh/reload your browser to see the changes. And, voila: Now, for you art nuts out there, HTML isn't very smart, and it doesnt know what the color toupe is. For that, you have to use hexedecimal numbers, or Hex Codes. These are 6-character codes for specific colors. For example, here is a dark blue with hex colors: <BODY BGCOLOR="#003399"> It is not practical to explain the breakdown of these numbers, so some people have been nice enough to create a table of common colors and their codes. Go to this link and take a look at the colors and their codes: You can then take these codes and use them to get that specific color that you want. Note that you must put the # in front of the number within the quotes, otherwise there is a chance that your color will look like poop instead of pink.

    Step Four, text formatting

    This is the part where we start putting some content into your page, so I hope you have a lot to say. There are several different ways to put text into your site. The first and easiest way it to just type it into notepad, and it will show up, as you found out with our "Hello World" example. Now if you havent noticed it by now, notepad does not give carriage returns when it hits the end of the screen, rather it just keeps going. That is fine, because if you are just typing text in, it will automatically wrap the text to the next line when it hits the edge of the browser window. Example: As you can see, I made the browser window smaller to demo the fact that it will wrap the text at the end of the browser window. Now here is the tricky thing about just pounding away at the keyboard: If you put in a carriage return yourself, like so, it wont show up in the web browser: Why not? Because you have to put in a carriage return with the <BR> tag, like so: