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HOVERSPOT a GREAT NEW place to stay in touch
Better and easier to use than My Space Join today

Help SUPPORT Jerry's KIDS.
 I will be going to jail Sept 18th and Need some help
Raising my Bail.  The GOAL is $3000 and EVERY little bit Helps
Please Join me in Helping MDA and RAISING MY Bail

Help Support MDA and LETS Find a CURE together



Clothing, Shoes and more

Dieting meals, Wines, Gift baskets


Insurance Needs


Auto Parts

Electronics and Music

Search Engines and Online tools

18 and Over ONLY 



 Welcome to the Green-Cash-Machine web site.  Rick and Cristina Green owners of this Web Site are pleased  to bring you this site to assist you in growing your on line business and becoming a success.  We have many web sites, free articles, e-books and more that will help you through the growing of your business. 

        If you are looking into becoming an affiliate or are interested in how affiliate marketing works send me an email from my support page.  I have been making money just by letting the big companies do all the work and you can too.  Send me an email if your interested. 

Are you looking for GREAT places to shop?  Stop by the links to the left for special prices and places to shop.  From women's and men's clothing along with clothing for children.  Shoes yep you can get them here. 
How about Jewelry?  Diamonds, Gold Silver we have it all available.  Including Cosmetic and body Jewelry and even More accessories. 
 Have a need for insurance?  We have got it.  Medical supplies are also available.
Have a Credit need?  From Mortgage's to credit lines to Better rate Credit Cards Get it Here!  Also Ways to Imrove
your Credit Score.  All right here
Auto Parts yep that too.  From Major auto parts to accessories Find your need Right here. 
Are you looking for that electronic device from a New TV to a digital camera we have the sources here. 
Looking for Internet access, Web design, Hosting  or Domain Names.  Get it Here.
Take a look and Click on the Links at the left I am sure you will find what you need. 
Or maybe your into the internet business and need some on line tools to help boost your sales We have that too.

Mark this page as your favorite as I will be adding more links and More sites As I continue to Grow.  Visit often as changes are going to be made 2-3 times a week if not more often. 

Now for a sales pitch. Do YOU want to be part of this Growing web site?  Then check out my Banner Link Where you can advertise your wares.  Send your Link / Banner to Support  for consideration.  Upon approval you will be sent an email to confirm your site and to Sign up for the Site of the Future.  Fees will vary based on Banner size, Category, and length of time ad is to run.  Advertising on my home page will also be available.   


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