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About Me
Welcome to The best of the Web. I-since this world, excuse me, this page is mine-believe and know that there are people out there like me who just can't afford to shell out some loot for software you really want or need.
Here you'll find links to other pages that offer free services or software. Send me the URL to other free sites you might know about that I don't already have.
| Free games | Image editors | Media players | Web applications softwares | Web publishing | | Utility software |Misc. | Free internet (ISP's) | Communication |
Pacman and MsPacman:Pacman and mspacman free download page. The classics.
Dope wars (windows) A game where you're a drug dealer, oh yeah mature audiences only.
Windows 3.1 gameWindows 3.x game, freeware.
FreegameswebFree games, and they're nice too.
Freegames.orgFree games page.
Ingava.comRobocrush from ingava software
Image editors
Paint Shop ProThe most efficient graphics program. Get an evaluation version.
Image ForgeFreeware image editor, good but it doesn't support .GIF file format.
Ultimate PaintFreeware graphic editor.
IrfanViewFreeware and does support .GIF and .JPG format, the main format of web graphics.
Bitmorph 3.0Image warping and morphing software.
Media players
RealPlayerFree realplayer
QuicktimeApple's media player and image viewer, for windows, and this baby is straight out beautiful.
WinampGet winamp to play MP3 files on your computer.
Sonique Another music file player, but fancier looking.
myCasterMake your own online radio station
Web applications
Internet ExplorerGet internet explorer version 5, and do us web authors a favor.
Netscape CommunicatorDownload netscape browser
Download accelerator I don't think it's much help if you don't have at least 56K. Just my opinion.
NetsonicClaims to make visited pages load faster by caching them.
CrushpopKill pop up windows on the web.
IP CheckerCheck your IP address and maybe other's too.
Web publishing
Yahoo Image GalleryFree pictures you can use on web site design or whatever have you
Canadawired.comFree web graphics to help you build a site
HTML2000Free html editor
CutepageCutepage html editor
Captureexpress.comA program that actually captures view of your screen as an image file, when "Print Screen" option just isn't enough.
CoolArchive.comWhat is needed to build a site, and you can even make your own logo or banner online. Used it for top banner.
WinzipNot exactly free but you can download and use right away
Screen saverA program that puts a picture on your desktop and also works as a screen saver.
BabylonSoftware that translates other languages into english.
Adobe Acrobat ReaderReads PDF files.
Cutemx Download sound, images, and other file types. Like Napster but more
Scour.comSame as above
Winsite.comFreeware application softwares site.
C.A.I AntivirusFree anti virus.
AnvilStudioCompose, edit, record music."Un-embed" internet explorer from windows 9x, so it runs faster.
Tomaweb.comFree FTP uploader, disk usage calculator, and html hex code maker.
Zonelabs.comFree program to monitor all your applications connected to the Web. Helps against a hacker atack, like a firewall.
Napster.comfree MP3 files, download your favorite songs
Lotsofjokes.comThe source for a lot of email jokes.
CNET Downloads"quickly and easily find what you need to keep your PC healthy".
Currency converterA Currency converter, neat indeed.
Qci 2000Program to restore ICQ's contact list
Free ISPs
FreeInternet.comFree internet
NetzeroFree ISP. An ad banner but so what? TV comes with ads
JunoJuno free internet. free internet.
AltaVistaAlta Vista free internet
BuzzlinkBuzzlink free internet
FreewwwebusaFreewwwebusa free internet
FreelaneFreelane free internet
BlueLight.comBlueLight free internet
MSN MessengerDownload MSN messenger
ICQGet ICQ chatting software.
Microsoft NetmeetingMicrosoft Netmeeting
mIRCInternet relay chat software. Have fun!!!